The great “global responsibility”

Now it is no longer enough to be an international business, you have to be a responsible global business. Responsible global businesses are first and foremost caring about the lasting influence your business has on future generations. Sustainability is simply the ability to endure. Some businesses take form the earth and do not give back like de-forestation or animal hunting, fossil fuels, etc. Some businesses are just one hit wonders, following trends, rather than understanding enduring human needs. Businesses can also care for sustaining humanity, caring for employees and making use of people who need jobs in Africa and elsewhere.
The Kyoto Protocol
-The United Nations called a conference on the stabilization of greenhouse gasses by international businesses, mandated by countries
-This took place in 1997 and by 2009 most countries agreed to reduced emissions
-The United States signed the agreement but has not ratified or that is put into place the protocol
-China is the largest emitter of gases and excess overall, they claimed to making reforms but have increase emissions every year
-Since 1997 there have been many post-Kyoto meetings and conference to keep up to date with how to control the problems. The problem is not the governments but the businesses who are moderated by the governments.
-Many countries are starting to impose a Carbon tax upon businesses that refuse to reduce emissions
See the top 10 global environmental issues:
The hierarchy of environmental strategies is to first reduce use, second to reuse, and third to recycle. Examples of green businesses are companies involved in the sustainability aspects of food, energy, water, waste management, and other environmental issues.
#1. Reduce
Whole Foods is a good example in the Food category as they purchase local production to reduce cost and energy required in transportation and distribution.
Watch - Global is being Local
Zap! Is an example of “Zero Air Pollution” and is an all electric car company that also has a solar option. http://www.zapworld.com/

Both Siemens and GE are good examples of green business in the energy and water business. They both manufacture and utilize wind turbines and hydro power plants. They both are involved in improving water filtration, desalination plants, and rebuilding of water infrastructure. There are also many small companies involved in solar power, both using photovoltaic cell, and mirrors.
Solar power is currently now economically competitive without subsidizes. The U.S. is the current leader in solar power application but Spain, China, and India have also installed solar plants. Currently, wind power provides 1% of the U.S. electrical capacity and solar is less than 1% but the projected growth rates of both wind and solar are high. Wind and solar are projected to be 20% of the U.S. capacity by 2030.
As we reduce oil consumption, there is a lot of new interest in the Middle East control of new energy in solar power. This is a very long range initiative which intends to bring solar power from Africa and the Middle East to Europe by 2050. This is still in the feasibility stage and requires three years of additional study and will only supply 15% of Europe's power needs by 2050.
Solio is one company bringing solar power to the people. They have created global chargers for computers and cell phones. Only one hour of sunshine gives 20 hours of Ipod use! For every charger that is purchased a Solio is provided to a family in global poverty who may be living with little or no electricity.
#2. Re-use
Re-use is preferable to re-cycling because it takes less energy.
Business re-use includes
Packaging – the glass bottle beverage container, printer cartridges
Machinery – with renewed parts
Donating equipment and furnishings to smaller businesses and non-profits
Repurposing something like old clothes for cleaning cloths
Businesses that re-use are HP, Mac cosmetics and many bottle companies
#3. Re-cycle
Waste management is a company that recycles waste material. Plastic water bottles are a good example of a poor environmental choice as they can be eliminated by using filters. Plastic bottles can be recycled into secondary plastic products but virgin plastic is required for new bottles and requires energy and material to manufacture. The elimination of plastic in our environment is helped by non-plastic containers that are biodegradable. The use of cloth grocery bags in lieu of plastic bags. etc.
Environmental design means creating new products that will have less impact. This includes housing with more efficient appliances, improved insulation and more passive energy such as solar heating of water, instant hot water heaters, and environmental friendly materials which are a growing area of green business suppliers.
-Recycled fabrics, Rogan
Patagonia in Ventura, California, urges all employees to take it outside. The office is stocked with surfboards, climbing gear, bikes and even a yoga studio. Patagonia's flex time philosophy lets Patagonians escape from their desks to the sun and surf anytime of day -- as long as the work gets done, no one cares when you clock in or out. If you're wondering where the best breaks or swells are that day, simply call reception. It's their job to direct your call and tell you where you catch the best surf. This keeps employees active and reduces sick days which reduces costs.
More on Patagonia:

Atelier Yanagi, 100% recycled green surfboards
Thanks to Doug Ware and www.score.org and www.scoreorlando.org; Image Wikipedia and http://www.alternativeenergy.productsconsumerreport.com/How-To-Make-Wind-Energy.htm
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