-Non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) describe business that advances values above porofit. The new term to describe these organizations s is “civil society organization” (CSO). These organizations do not distribute gains to share holders and owners but uses gains to operate.
-Examples include Red Cross, Habitat for Humanity, Goodwill, United Way and others. Includes charities, trade unions and arts organizations.
-These organizations are often supported by the government, at least in part and by charitable donations.
-In the US, they receive tax breaks from the government. In the UK they must still be identified as a corporation.
-Example in the business world:
Amnesty International Business, www.amnesty.org / www.business-humanrights.org
-offices around the world, it began in 1961
-primarily concerned with aiding human rights
-they lobby to stop businesses that harm people and help business as well
NGO’s are business
Non-profit organisations have similar needs in terms of business modeling. Although not many organisations want to admit it, some early adopters (or change agents) in the NGO world are realizing that there is no way around applying modern management practices to their organizations if they want to survive. But, NGOs have a slightly different orientation than revenue driven businesses. The structure of NGOs is oriented around gaining funding donations rather than earning revenues. In this respect their customers are donors government grants. Sales and marketing constructs indeed exist and their message is targeted towards attracting donors but obviously business knowledge helps earn more funding and execute activities.
NGO’s and strategic partnerships
Strategic NGO/business partnerships are now recognised as more than just philanthropy and cause related marketing. As issues like global competitiveness, environmental risks, or inadequate infrastructure mean that organizations can't solve problems on their own, partnerships are becoming an essential component of long-term strategy.
That highlights a key difference between a true partnership and a conventional project alliance. A shallow alliance can be little different to conventional philanthropy, with a company providing money to back an NGO project, like Nike's recent donation of $275,000 to fund a micro-enterprise program run by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and Mercy Corps. There are additional examples of businesses "sponsoring" cultural events and programs. There's nothing wrong with such support. They can make a difference, on some level at least but long term relationships are best and include consulting, shared resources and partnered business efforts.
The United Nations & UNESCO
The UN & its education division called UNESCO work with governments and are supported by participating governments, but do not operate for profit. They are concerned with sustaining peace and serve the world through diplomacy, as well as research and support for international issues.
UN, www.un.org
-Located in New York City and Geneva, Switzerland
-Started in 1945 after World War 2
-192 member states pay dues to participate in a forum of international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and the achieving of world peace.
-There are 77 countries that are especially supported by the UN as emerging
-There are 5 parts
General Assembly (the main deliberative assembly);
The Security Council (decides certain resolutions for peace and security);
The Economic and Social Council (assists in promoting international economic and social cooperation and development);
The Secretariat (provides studies, information, and facilities needed by the UN);
The International Court of Justice (the primary judicial organ).
-Super important to international business because they basically uphold the stability of the world
-The World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are specific sub-sections of the UN that offer targeted aid
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UNESCO, www.unesco.org
-Located in Paris, France
-Started in 1945 after World War 2
-193 member states participate
-It means United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
-There are 5 parts
natural sciences
culture, and
communication and information.
-UNESCO aims to respect cultures and diversity.
-It is responsible for the World Heritage Sites which are natural and protected locations around the world like the rain forest or the Taj Majal
-The also started in 1992 a project called “Memory of the World” for which they archive images and documents from around the world, many museums are part of this program
-The National Commissions for UNESCO are national cooperating bodies set up by the Member States for the purpose of associating their governmental and non-governmental bodies with the work of the Organization. 196 countries participate.
UNESCO Virtual Visit:
Info http://business-model-design.blogspot.com/2005/05/ngo-business-models.html and http://www.globalpolicy.org/component/content/article/176/31409.html
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